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Published: February 19, 2025 at 07:51 AM Eastern

All reports are for planning only. By continuing, you agree to judge all water conditions for yourself and assume all related risks.

Current readings:

On 02-19-2025 at 06:45 AM EST: The stage height was 4.46. The flow was 5,160 CFS.

Selected prior readings:

On 02-19-2025 at 05:45 AM EST: The stage height was 4.46. The flow was 5,160 CFS.

On 02-19-2025 at 04:45 AM EST: The stage height was 4.46. The flow was 5,160 CFS.

On 02-19-2025 at 03:45 AM EST: The stage height was 4.45. The flow was 5,130 CFS.


All readings are provisional and subject to change!

Some important points to remember about gauge and flow information:

A river gauge measures the surface elevation of the water within an established band of fluctuation. The resulting readings are only relative to each other and DO NOT tell you "how deep the water is". Compare readings and flow information from one gauge site only with other information from that same site. The reading scales are unique to each gauge. There is no direct relationship between the readings, changes in readings, or the meaning of readings from one gauge to another. Flow information also has different implications at each site. Gauge readings and calculated flows are only an indication of river conditions at the site. Readings and flow reports may not accurately reflect actual river conditions and conditions at other points on the river will be different.

River conditions can change quickly and without warning due to rainfall, power generation schedules, reservoir operations, ice, etc. WATERLINE reports may not reflect the influence of these factors. The meaning of gauge readings and reported flows may change over time as river action alters the shape of the channel at the gauge.

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